Week One: Sitting Posture and The Breath
Day one of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation deals with posture.
Day two of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation deals with sounds.
Day three of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation provides an introduction to using the breath as a focal point.
Day four of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation explores the use of the breath as an anchor to the present moment.
Day five of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation explores the use of the breath as an anchor to the present moment, building on Day 4's instruction this video adds the use of anchor words.
Day six of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation explores the use of the breath as an anchor to the present moment, building on previous instruction this video adds the use of anchor words to let go of thoughts.
Day seven of Mindfulness Online Sit With Me October meditation series. This guided meditation is a culmination of what we have learned about the breath so far, tying together the different techniques we've learned to focus on the breath, let go of thoughts, and remain in the present moment.
Week Two: The Body
Day eight of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me guided meditation series. This guided meditation introduces the body scan as a way of becoming familiar with our present experience.
Day nine of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me guided meditation series. This guided meditation continues our exploration of the body as an access point to our present experience and practices sending gratitude to different parts of the body.
Day ten of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me guided meditation series. Through a body scan, this guided meditation explores the mind's reaction to pleasant, unpleasant, and neutral sensations.
Day 11 of Mindfulness Online's October Sit With Me guided meditation series. This meditation continues the investigation of the body with an emphasis on exploring bodily sensations.
Day 12 of Mindfulness Online's October Sit With Me guided meditation series. This meditation continues our exploration of the body through the use of a standing posture.
Day 13 of Mindfulness Online's October guided meditation series. This video explores walking meditation.
Day 14 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me guided meditation series. This video is an exploration of the various different techniques to investigate the present moment experience of the body.
Week Three: Thoughts and Emotions
Day 15 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video investigates feeling tone, helping viewers to explore the emotional landscape within.
Day 16 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me guided meditation series. This video investigates the thoughts that seem to fill the mind and practices how to respond to them in a skillful way.
Day 17 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. In this video we become acquainted with the "Inner Critic" and explore different ways to let go of the internal monologue of judgment.
Day 18 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. In this video we become familiar with the physical sensations wrapped up in emotions.
Day 19 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video continues our exploration of emotional states, paying special attention to the story we tell ourselves about the emotion as well as skillful means for dealing with challenging emotions.
Day 20 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video addresses how to respond compassionately and skillfully to difficult emotions when they arise.
Day 21 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video practices the cultivation of positive emotions.
Week Four: Loving-kindness
Day 22 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video introduces the practice of loving-kindness with an emphasis on sending loving-kindness to a benefactor.
Day 23 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video provides instruction for sending loving-kindness to oneself.
Day 24 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. In this video we practice sending loving-kindness to a neutral person.
Day 25 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video explores sending loving-kindness to a dear friend.
Day 26 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video explores sending loving-kindness to a difficult person from our lives.
Day 27 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. In this video we send loving-kindness to all beings everywhere. What fun! :)
Day 28 of Mindfulness Online's October Sit With Me guided meditation series. This video offers a guided meditation in sending out gratitude to all beings.
Week Five: Grab Bag
Day 29 of Mindfulness Online's October Sit With Me guided meditation series. This guided meditation works to cultivate an open and receptive awareness.
Day 30 of Mindfulness Online's October Sit With Me guided meditation series. This video provides instruction for an exercise in eating mindfully. You'll need a raisin or a piece of dried fruit for this exercise.
Day 31 of Mindfulness Online's Sit With Me October guided meditation series. This video offers a gentle guided meditation culminating the 31 days of sitting practice. For Halloween I did my hair like Cousin Itt. :)